About the CEO

Jennifer Coleen Speid, is Jamaican-British with a passion for all things graceful, elegant and sophisticated – traits she inherited from her mother. She arrived in Jamaica from England in 2015 looking for a sense of purpose. She used her love for afternoon tea to launch The English Rose Afternoon Tea and Etiquette event at The Grog Shoppe Restaurant, Devon House, Kingston in 2016.
She then saw a need for etiquette training and trained with The British School of Etiquette, Mayfair, London – Train the Trainer Certificate, having previously trained with The London School of Etiquette.
Her previous experiences, training and qualifications are in: PTLLS (Adult Teaching Certificate); Institute of Fundraising Associate; Joint Insolvency Education Board – Insolvency Practitioner; The Investment Funds Institute of Canada; Mortgage Certificate and Financial Advice; Customer Services, Marketing and Management as well as an International & Motivational Speaker.
Managing her own business delivering apprenticeship and traineeship training to British local governments and corporate clients; training entrepreneurs; workshops for start-up business; customer service; publicity and marketing; self-employment; retail; bad debts and insolvency advice; media communication, personal development; corporate imagine; social media. lettings and management agents; specialising in rental to vulnerable members of the community.
The Jamaican School of Etiquette was formed to share her passion to train the population in the fine art of social grace, good manners, politeness sophistication and elegance.
Jennifer Coleen Speid has long believed that “good manners are the foundation of etiquette and that etiquette is a social leveller “.
Jennifer attained her International accreditation – International Leadership and Management (ILM), City & Guilds – from The British School of Etiquette and is qualified to deliver Train the Trainers (Etiquette, Manners & Life Skills) course. In December 2019, she was awarded The Executive Master of Science Degree in Hospitality Management for her work as the Lead Trainer with the Ministry of Education Youth and Information Protocol and Etiquette training programme.
She is also keen on social services and have been an active participant helping to shape the policies in Jamaica. She has been a Service Excellence Ambassadors -Technical Working Groups; Diaspora Committee Stakeholder; The ACP EU Migration Action in Jamaica – Involuntary Returning Residents; Sub-committee member of Registered Apprenticeship Programme (RAP).